Who We Are
Fegime Ireland was founded in 2002 and became an associate member of Fegime in that year. 2003 saw Fegime Ireland become a full member and shareholder of Fegime GmbH.
Fegime Ireland began with 7 members originally and this number has grown to 10 with new additions in 2004, 2009 and 2018.
Fegime members currently operate 28 outlets around the country.
With many years experience in the industry the companies that constitute FEGIME Ireland have established an enviable reputation for the high level of support provided to customers as well as for the quality and ready availability of the products supplied
The Fegime Group acts as a European business generator. It is our belief that the union of our members makes each of them grow stronger and gain power.
In a global economy, successful businesses have to act globally whilst preserving their uniqueness. That is why at FEGIME we respect the multicultural nature of our business.
The FEGIME Group believes in the dynamics of a two-way relationship. It is our ENERGY and POWER that is our greatest strength.
Family values, closeness (human & geographical), know-how, international network and solidity are the key factors of our success
We offer a different approach on the market based on the proximity and trust, combining the force of the group with the flexibility, agility and enviable service of each wholesaler.
We are united by our common values and beliefs.

Get in touch with us.
Our Members